Can You Pay Someone to Find You a Job?

We all have difficulties finding a job at some point in our lives. It can be hard to do all the job searching and applications. Some of us simply don’t have the time to do all that digging around, so in this kind of situation, you might start wondering if there is someone you can pay to find a job for you.

Can you pay someone to find you a job? You can pay someone to find you a job. There are endless resources to help you secure a job, including job recruiters, staffing agencies such as temp agencies, and even websites that allow you to apply to many jobs easily. There are also private contractors, such as career coaches, that can help you find what you’re looking for.

This is probably great news to hear for those who seem to have hit a dry spell in the employment department, but sometimes this help is out of reach due to life restrictions. If there is more for you than simply locating a job opening, there are many other resources available for those who need some extra assistance.

How to Pay Someone to Get You a Job

When you begin your search for someone who can find you a job, look for professionals. It can sometimes be helpful to use words specific to your search. Here are some options for finding the best services for you:

  • Staffing Agency
  • Career Coach
  • Freelancer
  • Job hunter
  • Head Hunter

If there are no professionals in your area, you can also try using an online professional service. For this, you’ll want to provide them with all of your employment history information and a few references they can give to potential employers. Be on the lookout for agencies that might specialize in a field or fields you are interested in.

Additionally, you’ll want to read reviews on agencies or professionals whom you’re thinking about hiring. Experiences from past clients can shed some light on your decision making, simplifying the process for you and getting you back onto the market sooner. Don’t just settle for the first listing you find; a little research goes a long way.

What Agencies Help You Find a Job?

Using an online staffing platform is usually the quickest and easiest way to apply for many jobs in a minimal amount of time. On most online platforms, you’ll fill out a universal application and cover letter, and then simply press a button to apply to a job.

Here are a few examples of what you can find:

On some occasions, you’ll need to write a job-specific cover letter. Writing a new cover letter for each application can get tedious, but not all applications require one. You can learn how to write an effective job-specific cover letter here, or use a template in Microsoft Word.

Although using online agencies can be fast and easy, be sure to check for agencies local to your area to ensure that you aren’t missing out on valuable job-hunting resources. These can be especially helpful since they’ll be familiarized with surrounding employers.

How About Paying Someone to Write Your Resume?

An added benefit of hiring freelancers is that there are tons of them who specialize in writing resumes, cover letters, and all kinds of other application materials you might need to apply for a job. 

Resume experts are all over the web and can be found on any freelancing or writing service website online. You can also download resume templates from all over the internet- usually, these are a plug-and-play scenario, where you simply add your information in the designated area.

What Information Do You Need to Give Your Job Hunter?

Generally, you will want to provide your current resume and cover letter.

If you don’t have this information or haven’t written a resume, you will need to provide your work history, a list of specific skills, and references from previous employment.

If you hired someone to write your resume, they will need this information anyway; however, if you already have a resume, it might be a good idea to add your most recently developed skills and narrow down some of the more vague ones.

What Can You Do If You Need More Help?

Whether you haven’t worked in a long period of time, or you simply don’t possess the people skills to put yourself out on the job market, career coaches are there for you. They can help you locate jobs, beef up your resume, and apply for the positions you’re interested in.

Most of the time, a career coach will be able to help you land a job that appeals to you and benefits you the most. Career coaches can be expensive, but they do more than simply get you into your next role.

Also called career counselors, they are available to help you make important decisions, weigh your career options, and balance your financial situation between jobs. They can also provide you with resources that make it easier to manage the stress and madness of switching careers.

While career coaches are particularly handy for finding your new path, they can also help you answer some big questions about yourself. Choosing the right career path seems like such an outdated college-readiness essay that your high school guidance counselor made you all write, but it’s seriously a big decision and can make or break your future.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Job?

This answer varies greatly between industries.

For entry-level jobs, the wait time is usually shorter, since there are fewer formalities to be had during the hiring process. For more advanced-level jobs, this process can take a few weeks, or longer.

Since there are first, second, and sometimes even third interviews, the hiring manager has a full schedule to juggle, especially with high-interest positions. There are also more qualifications to meet in general, so it takes the hiring manager a pretty substantial amount of time to sift through your credentials.

Although it’s hard to say exactly how long it takes to land a new job, checking in with your potential new employers can really help to speed things up. Calling, emailing, and dropping into the office after busy hours makes a statement about your character and your commitment to the position. Employers are attracted to candidates who are persistent and dedicated.

Keep in mind that sometimes, it can take a very long time to fill a position due to outlying variables. Occasionally, a company will set out to fill a position that won’t be open until Larry the Crane Operator retires next June and it’s still December. 

Staying on top of communications with potential employers, regardless of wait time, shows them that you are ready to jump in and take the lead.

What If I Can’t Find a Job That Suits Me?

When there just isn’t a job out there that sparks your interest, wait it out. Remain vigilant on the job market for positions that interest you on some level. When you settle, you’ll inevitably end up doing something that you simply don’t want to do.

For example, if you want a position as an event planner, don’t settle for sorting mail; you’ll hate it before you know it. It’s better to be temporarily uncomfortable than downright miserable.

Finding the right job can be frustrating, especially if you aren’t sure yet what you want to do with your career. Remember to always search for what makes you happy and build on it. Jobs don’t grow on trees, but they are out there, and finding the perfect fit can sometimes feel like the hardest thing you’ll ever do.

Remain calm, persist, and eventually, you will find the career that drives you and makes you eager to show up for work every day.